Monday, January 27, 2025


Week 3

Monday January 27 2025


Up before dawn. Evidently this is what I do now. Morning routine. To the stool and my hour of Eye of the Needle.

Listened to the recording from Show of Hands that was posted today, twice. While hearing it as if for the first time remains a hopeless fantasy, on the first time through I did find I was listening to it through the lens of last week’s work, so there was some small intangible shift in how I heard it. The second time through I listened with a focus on Guitar 3, which is what I’ll begin addressing today. The moving 5’s give the piece an interesting mysterious quality. I confess, though, that by the end of this second listening I had drifted off into reverie. I’m back in Manhattan Center Studios; the look and feel of the recording room and the control room, remembering the people I’m working with, some of whom I have not seen in many years and others I saw just yesterday.

Strapped on the guitar. Began by playing through the part once, no metronome, simply noting what the addition of the burbles to the part I worked on all last week entails. Noting transitions, primarily. I know this part well, and have performed it many times.

To the metronome and a short warmup. Right hand on a pair of open strings playing the 3+2 combination in alternate picking that this part requires. No huge challenges here, other than the fact that my right hand ain’t what it used to be. Moved on to the basic 5-note pattern on F#. Simple warmup calisthenics, shaking off the cobwebs.

Next systematically going through each of the places where the part either departs from unison with Guitar 1 or rejoins the unison, making sure I am clear about the fingering combinations and the open string transition notes. Work with the metronome on each, generally the last 4 notes of one part into the first 4 notes of the next, on repeat, isolating the moment of transition. One consistent concern I uncover is that moving from unison on D into burbles on A, and again from the Midtro unison in 13 into the burbles on D, involve not only a significant position switch, but also moving from a part centered on the high strings to one centered on the low strings. Consequently I have a tendency to accidentally mute the open transition note prematurely when as my fingers reach further across the fret board. I also notice an audible startle at these transitions which means I tend to slam the transitional note, as though I am using it to catapult my hand to the next part. Together, these two things tend to make the transition note pop out, where should be just part of the flow.

My remedy for this turns out to be twofold. In terms of the accidental muting, I realize that I spend so much of my time working on electric guitar playing blues/rock&roll based material that I am not using the tips of my fingers to the degree this piece requires. In terms of slamming transition notes, it really comes down to the observation that by the time I get there my energy has already moved to the shift and the next part. I’m not actually completing the phrase. A little “where am I now” insight.

With all this in mind, I run through the piece a number of times, all at 68bpm, remembering these adjustments.

In that context I notice one other thing. It is very familiar and generally not a problem except that I’m just out of practice. That is, every time I move into a burbling section, including when I move from one to the next, I realize too late that I’m counting in 5 instead of 4. There is nothing that will take me out of the Music faster than suddenly having to solve an arithmetic problem in the time it takes for 16 beats to go by. I have done this on stage more times than I care to admit, and it is terrifying. I have over the years come up with a few strategies. It would be nice not to need them.

Managed to make it through my final play-through without falling into this trap, but it completely took me out of the Guitarist Inside. Much work to do.

As a side note, in playing through the piece today I made the decision to abandon one place where I altered the picking last week, as it felt like it was interrupting the flow. So on the 4/4 sections of Guitar 1 I’m going back to strict alternate picking for the last 7 notes of each phrase.

Now to breakfast. My first student arrives in an hour.

Tuesday January 28 2025

8:30 am

Today felt like a minor breakthrough day. Began with right hand work on the open D and A strings. Various combinations, until I landed on the 3-2 combination that the burbles require. Counting at all times. Gradually increasing the tempo, ultimately landing at 76. Frankly, if I didn’t have professional obligations coming up this morning I could have stuck with that for a long time. Right hand is beginning to return. As it was, I did stretch this part of the hour out longer than originally planned.

Counting in 4/4 while playing the 5-note open string combination was curiously difficult. It is, after all, exactly what I’m doing when playing the burbles. But as I left the calisthenics behind and moved into working on Guitar 3, counting it in the context of the part was a piece of cake. I think it’s something like… at this point what I’m actually playing in the burbles sections is a melody as it wends its way through the underlying rhythm of the piece. Not a rhythmic pattern. Whereas in my warmup it’s just an abstract exercise of division of attention in which the notes themselves have no particular significance.

Something like that.

The calisthenics are definitely helping. Worked on Guitar 3 focused on the transitions at first and then moving to larger and larger contexts until I was running the entire piece. All at performance tempo, and by the end of the hour pushing that up into the “too fast” region. Played along with the Show of Hands recording for the final 10 minutes. The tempo of that recording, after practicing somewhat faster, had the desired effect of the feeling that I’m settling down into the correct tempo rather than racing to catch it, and the relaxation that goes with that is audible to me. I feel like I have all the time in the world.

Limb rotation still a little shaky on Guitar 3, but getting there. Mostly I think that I get distracted when anticipating the transitions, and it flies out of my mind. One or two sections later I suddenly think, “oh wait a minute, where am I supposed to be?” And at that point I’m no longer taking as much care of the Music. It will come.

Current plan is to stick with the calisthenic warmups for the rest of the week, as they benefit whatever part I’m playing, but move my focus to Guitar 4 for a few days. I’ll be doing a presentation of the Bass Part on Saturday. Even though it is the part I usually play in performances, and certainly the one I am most confident in, I feel like I’ll need to be extra sharp for that. 

Tuesday January 28 2025

8:30 am

Today felt like a minor breakthrough day. Began with right hand work on the open D and A strings. Various combinations, until I landed on the 3-2 combination that the burbles require. Counting at all times. Gradually increasing the tempo, ultimately landing at 76. Frankly, if I didn’t have professional obligations coming up this morning I could have stuck with that for a long time. Right hand is beginning to return. As it was, I did stretch this part of the hour out longer than originally planned.

Counting in 4/4 while playing the 5-note open string combination was curiously difficult. It is, after all, exactly what I’m doing when playing the burbles. But as I left the calisthenics behind and moved into working on Guitar 3, counting it in the context of the part was a piece of cake. I think it’s something like... at this point what I’m actually playing in the burbles sections is a melody as it wends its way through the underlying rhythm of the piece. Not a rhythmic pattern. Whereas in my warmup it’s just an abstract exercise of division of attention in which the notes themselves have no particular significance.

Something like that.

The calisthenics are definitely helping. Worked on Guitar 3 focused on the transitions at first and then moving to larger and larger contexts until I was running the entire piece. All at performance tempo, and by the end of the hour pushing that up into the “too fast” region. Played along with the Show of Hands recording for the final 10 minutes. The tempo of that recording, after practicing somewhat faster, had the desired effect of the feeling that I’m settling down into the correct tempo rather than racing to catch it, and the relaxation that goes with that is audible to me. I feel like I have all the time in the world.

Limb rotation still a little shaky on Guitar 3, but getting there. Mostly I think that I get distracted when anticipating the transitions, and it flies out of my mind. One or two sections later I suddenly think, “oh wait a minute, where am I supposed to be?” And at that point I’m no longer taking as much care of the Music. It will come.

Current plan is to stick with the calisthenic warmups for the rest of the week, as they benefit whatever part I’m playing, but move my focus to Guitar 4 for a few days. I’ll be doing a presentation of the Bass Part on Saturday. Even though it is the part I usually play in performances, and certainly the one I am most confident in, I feel like I’ll need to be extra sharp for that.

Wednesday January 29 2025


Awake even earlier than usual, but arose a little later than usual. I don’t understand what is going on here. Actually, I have a theory, but it’s not germane to an “Eye of the Needle Project Diary,” so I’ll leave it at that. Late yesterday afternoon my last student of the day had to cancel at short notice, so I suddenly had a free hour. I decided to follow up on the calisthenic work that had been so useful in the morning. The more of that, the better, I say. It was great. I was really cooking and finding at least a taste of the effortless, fleeting though it may be, that I wish for at faster speeds. More flow. Less audible tension. It was great. At the end of the hour I was very enthusiastic about my progress. Put my guitar aside and began to look at some practicalities, mostly dinner related, when I realized I was exhausted. Climbed into the easy chair, wrapped myself in a blanket, put my feet up, and then crashed completely for an hour. Life is weird.

This morning, after taking care of all the normal morning business, I sat down to practice. Began with right hand on open strings, as I’ve been doing for the past two weeks, beginning at 60bpm, but kicking it up to 68 in short order. The rhythmic patterns, played on two strings, evolved into combinations that mimic the melodies implied by the lead parts of EotN. The downbeat of each dominant sub-rhythm on the A string, everything else on the D string, all played with strict alternate picking. I counted this metronomically, first in eight notes and later in quarters, observing my breath. The aim is to have my right hand play the sub-rhythms musically, while remaining reliably in time with the metronome. These sub-rhythms are what the bass part needs lock onto in order for the part to “sing”. I counted the rhythms in all of the ways one can, while checking in to see if at any time I was adding tension to my body, or holding my breath. 

When I play the bass part with a group, it really is the subdivisions I that I am most attuned to. Somewhere in there something is keeping a traditional “count”, and I can always access it when necessary. But the inner rhythms are what I am playing with, and when it is “happening” it is because my part isn’t just in time with the leads, but actually playing WITH the leads.

Ended the session with several runs through along with the Show of Hands recording, counting it all of the various ways one might. Partly self preservation, as I’ll need to be able to do this with authority on Saturday.

Now out into my day. A light one, work-wise, but there are several technical/practical tasks I need to do in preparation for Saturday.

That, and maybe a nap. 

Thursday January 30 2025


The good news: I finally slept through the night. The bad news: the cold I was feeling a hint of yesterday arrived with a vengeance.

Up at the normal early hour, rather than the abnormal early hour. That meant I didn’t quite have the luxury of all kinds of time for practice before my work day kicked in. Did get in a solid 45 minutes of work. 

Primarily right hand calisthenics again, entirely on open strings in combinations that mirror the rhythm of the arpeggios in Eye of the Needle, in particular the 13/4 arpeggio. Once established, began to look at counting strategies. For me, counting these bars when I’m playing the moto perpetuo of the lead parts is pretty much a piece of cake. The bass part, on the other hand, is a little more difficult. Okay, a lot more difficult. While it is a “simpler” part, it requires a different kind of precision. I’ve been playing it for so long that counting is not technically necessary. The rhythm is in the lead part, and completely audible, so it is only a matter of playing along with that. And since I can also play the lead parts my body is quite comfortable with the rhythm.

But 1) this is a project about taking a fresh look at the piece, and 2) I need to present the part on Saturday, and being on my toes is a high priority.

Before I had to stop to change gears and prepare for my 9am student, I did see something remarkable that I will need to explore and verify. But it comes down to the fact that each bar naturally falls into 2 distinct sections, the first 8 beats and the second 5. A little Golden Ratio moment.

Didn’t have time to explore this in depth, or to determine if this is actually useful in any practical way. But I’ll come back to it for sure.

Heard back from one of my students. I was most concerned about her, as she is already immunocompromised. So now one hole has opened up in my afternoon, giving me the opportunity to come back to all of this.


Heard from all of my students. I now have the rest of the day off. I don’t blame them. If a student had shown up to their lesson sniffling and hacking as much as I am, without giving me advance warning, I’d be a little irritated. Went out. Picked up some chicken soup to go, because you know… Now I’m a counting-in-13-maniac. The plan, considering all the different ways people learn, is to present as many strategies for getting to the core of this part as I am able. Currently taking a break from a very tactile approach that uses the “body beat” step pattern to keep time while clapping the rhythm and counting out loud. 13/8 is solid. 13/4 is there, but a whole lot more cerebral and a whole lot less musical. Now back to it.


Friday January 31 2025


Again slept through the night. Very happy about that. Realized that one side-effect of the problem I’ve been having with waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back to sleep is that when it happens I really don’t dream. Somehow that strikes me as unhealthy. So for the past two nights, in addition to getting the sleep my body needs, my mind has been allowed to go on adventures and have a little vacation.

As I’m still fighting this head cold, I did not set an alarm for the extra-early hour. I very definitely miss practicing in the pre-dawn stillness, but I also need to let my body recover. Much better today (so far) than yesterday.

I don’t teach on Fridays, but it is not a day off. It’s the day I set aside to take care of the little details it takes to keep a small business running – scheduling, paying bills, balancing accounts, and such nonsense. Also dealing with any personal matters that require more time than the spaces between my appointments allow.

So practice was strictly limited to 1 hour. Again, metronome work. After 2 weeks of this my beginning point is considerably faster, but still within the Eye of the Needle performance range. I’m occasionally tempted to push it up, and if calisthenics and chop building was the aim I certainly would. But as long as the aim is re-experiencing Eye of the Needle from the inside, out, we will stick to the 68-72bpm range.

All about rhythm and counting today. The bass part of this piece has unique challenges in that respect. It is the only part that has rests in it. It’s the only part that has note values of anything other than a sixteenth. So the fact that it “sounds like the easy part” is pure illusion, and the lines played during the 13/4 Intro and Midtro are a minefield of opportunities to lose the magic. My work yesterday and today has primarily been in identifying the various strategies that I use for playing this part with integrity.

But now back to the mundane.


Yikes. When your Friday office day coincides with both Month-End Closing for the business, and the deadline for closing your 2024 personal and business Federal Tax reporting, say “hello” to a deep 7-hour rabbit hole.


Note to self: Trying to get in some quality practice at the end of a day that was dominated by number crunching and otherwise "adulting" is a wasted effort. 

Saturday February 1 2025


Eye of the Needle Bass Workshop went well, I think. After all these years of giving presentations like you’d think by now I’d be better at gauging how much information and experience can be packed into 60 minutes, but that level of wisdom still eludes me. I always want so much more. I also hate hearing the sound of myself yammer on, but with a screen full of muted guitarists, it is tough to keep it from turning into a 1-hour monolog. I miss feedback.

During the parts where I was playing the “lead” line over and over so that they could have the opportunity to practice timing the part, I kind of had to avert my eyes. The Zoom lag is tough to ignore and it’s very distracting to see a couple dozen right hands moving a half-beat or more late. And impossible to tell who was getting it right and who was in need of a little more guidance. I miss musical interaction.

That said, while the approach I’ve been taking in my efforts these last 3 weeks to return to the beginning with each of the parts of this piece, all of which I have played and performed at one time or another, may be an example of “assuming the virtue” or perhaps just wishful thinking, many little things have come to light. Like the counting exercise I presented today, they are not necessarily new insights by any definition, but you might say that I have over the years chosen to ignore them. Or something like that.

We’ll see. This cold I have been fighting seems to be well on its way out, and has left me physically exhausted. A day off is essential. Monday I begin unpacking Guitar 2.


Sunday February 2 2025

IAAD – day off
SGC – Curt takes cold recovery day off
NFL – off (well, “Probowl Games”, but that’s not football)


Monday, January 20, 2025


Week 2

Monday January 20 2025


I was awakened by my alarm at 6:30am, which took me by surprise because it meant I had actually slept uninterrupted through the night for the first time in several weeks. I found this oddly disorienting, and it took me some time to shake the unfounded feeling that I had overslept and was somehow beginning my day already running late.

Morning routine as usual, except that I elected to do my Eye of the Needle practice for the day before having breakfast.

I began by putting on headphones and listening to the recording of the piece from the 2005 Tuning the Air Jupiter Studio Sessions, which was posted on the website this morning. Listened 3 times. The aim was to listen “as if for the first time”. I failed spectacularly. Moved to the desk and picked up my guitar, tuned it, and articulated for myself what I would address today.

Began with 15 minutes of right hand warmup with the metronome at 60, which is at the low end of EotN tempo.

I am not setting a schedule by the calendar for this work over the next eleven weeks, but I remind myself that I will need to be mindful of everything I want to accomplish in this time, and to pace myself. At the bare minimum, my aim is to revisit all 4 parts and take a serious look at what each requires in terms of mechanics, music, and the guitarist inside. I had already decided that I was going to begin with Guitar 1, which we tend to refer to as the “basic lead” part.

Today I looked at the Intro; the A to C to A to F# sequence in 13. Played through it several times just listening to myself and making some mental notes about what needs attention. Then I took each section systematically apart and made some decisions about what I want to establish as reliable and consistent in the fingering for the left hand, and the accented picking in the right hand. Jotted some notes down on the “Practice Notes” document (link here) so that I can come back and review them later. Then focused on some of the details, particularly the transitions between each section, the place where an open string is incorporated, the transition from A to F# where the last note of A and first note of F# are both the same A but fretted with a different finger, and generally being as clear and intentional as am able throughout.

Played through the entire 4 bars a number of times, ultimately bringing the metronome up to 68, which is a pretty typical performance tempo. One detail that came to me a bit out of left field was the observation that when I practice Guitar 1 I always either play through the first bar rather than jump in at the middle where that part typically makes its entrance, or jump right in on those 2 repetitions of the pattern and then forge ahead. Today I adopted the practice of “playing” those tacit 6½ beats, hearing the high lead in my head, and entering where the part is supposed to enter. I find this very difficult.

During the final half dozen times through the section I added the limb rotation – or rather I paid attention to the limb rotation – at this point it is almost impossible for me to play the piece without some reference to this practice. But inviting it in with clear intention has an entirely different quality. How to practice the other aspects of the Guitarist Inside still eludes me.

After an hour I had to wrap up, so that I could eat some breakfast before my first student arrived. I found this irritating. I did, however, observe that when I sat down at 10am in my Teacher Role, something was different. I was different. More present, is my best clumsy attempt to describe it.

Tuesday January 21 2025


The clock was set for 6am, but I awoke at 5:30 and didn’t fight it. I was very happy with yesterday’s after-sitting-before-breakfast work on Eye of the Needle, so decided I’m going to continue that whenever my schedule allows. Tomorrow I’m hosting the Central European Time Zone-appropriate Tea Time, which means I’ll be socializing on Zoom at 7am, so this time won’t always be available. But when I can I will.

Focus for today was preliminary work on the main body of the piece… the A-D-A’-F#-F# sequence.

First, 15 minutes of right hand warmup beginning generically and gradually moving to the string crossing patterns that this part of the piece requires, at 64bpm. The older I get the longer it takes me to get that hand going, and the lower my top end becomes. That’s just a fact.

Once warmed up, I played through the sequence several times without a metronome, just making mental notes about where decisions needed to be made and general observations about weak areas or areas of hazard. From there, to each section in turn, with the metronome still at 64. Most of the decisions about the use of the pivot were redundant, as I already did that yesterday with the intro, but I dutifully made the notations the Notes document to formalize each. Likewise with the particulars of the accented picking, which is one of my tasks for the course. So the A, A’, and F# sections were quickly dispatched.

About the D section, however. Even when I had younger and more supple hands, the fingering adopted to eliminate the 4th finger pivot between G and D that involves stretching the 3rd finger out to play the G, has been clunky. No matter how in-shape my hands are, and how well warmed up I am, there is a subtle interruption of the flow, tone, and timber, of that sequence. My answer to that problem, which I adopted a couple of years ago, may well be the most heretical practice in my approach this piece in a series of practices I am working with that go against the established canon. That is, I play the open G string on every repetition, not just the final transition. This is what I came into the course with, and what was and is my intention to formalize. The primary challenge with this approach is in the right hand, as the tone of the open string will make that note pop out if it isn’t handled with care. But I’ve been working with it for some time, and if any of my bandmates have ever noticed that I’m doing it, they have remained silent on the subject. And my bandmates are not noted for their inclination to remain silent when something needs to be said. But I’ll come back to this.

Moving on, having gone through each part and articulated each of the decisions, jotting them down in the Notes document, I moved on to looking at the challenges of the transitions. As there are open string transition notes, and I’ve been employing these since the beginning, accuracy of the notes is not terribly challenging for me. The primary challenge is making clean, clear, and graceful position shifts. Shifting clumsily tends to make the first note of any section pop out, and it is (sometimes painfully) audible. The primary culprit of course is the shift from A to D, and there is no better way to kill the piece that for someone to miss that transition by a half step.

One nice thing that is possible with the 4/4 section is that if practicing the transitions is the aim, it can be facilitated by just playing one bar of each section and just cycling through them over and over. So after looking at each transition individually to identify the challenge for each, that is what I did. I noticed that when practicing I rarely look at my hands, even for the leap to D. I don’t think this is always true when performing or rehearsing (note to self to look into this), but when practicing it seems to be my way. The no-look leap to D is definitely hit or miss.

As yesterday, I wrapped up the hour playing through the entire 20 bars many times, keeping in mind the decisions I had made and an ear out for where further attention is required to ensure the quality of musicality I am aspiring to.

For the final few runs through I moved the metronome up to 68. Not a technically challenging leap, but even those 4 beats per minute bring with them a qualitative difference in the Music of the music. And I have long understood that as the tempo increases, I have less available headroom to micromanage my technique. I need to be confident that the choices I have made about the piece have sufficiently been built into the way I play it that I can rely on muscle memory to carry out my intentions. When adding the Guitarist Inside to the mix, this is even more necessary.

As I was running the section at the higher speed, the 4th finger of my left hand occasionally did something interesting. A nearly 40-year-old muscle memory perhaps. I played the G-to-D combination with a pivot. This surprised me because reinstating the 4th finger pivot in that section was never even on my radar. So I took a few extra minutes to explore this. Found that right now it is definitely not reliable. But I also saw that when done well, it works. No sign of unwieldy hand contortions. Both notes clear and well-articulated. Not ready re-adopt the practice. But I believe I’m going to make a a little side project out of it just to see if it leads anywhere.

Now into my day. 


I actually had to consult the score to verify that open E was the transition from F# back into the Midtro. I hadn’t been practicing that way. Didn’t think it would be necessary since they’re both in the same position. But after I sped the tempo up a little I caught myself occasionally playing it. More muscle memory asserting itself. Even then I didn’t really believe it. But it persisted. I chuckled – hotshot Eye of the Needle guy can’t remember how the part goes – and pulled out the score.

Wednesday January 22 2025


Again awoke before my alarm. As a trend I am finding this a bit irritating. But it did mean that I had the time for my morning routine AND my Eye of the Needle hour before hosting the Tea Time for Europe Zoom call. And as my day begins to get a little complicated in a few hours, this was ultimately a good thing.

Day Three with Guitar 1. This was a kind of wrap up day for the first level of work with this part, covering the middle A in 13 out to the end. No technical notes, because the basic material here is all repeated from earlier in the piece and the decisions I made in the previous two days all carry over. Most of my work was with the unique transition challenges this section poses.

Right hand warmup for 15 minutes. My playing is clumsy. Persevere.

Since this was all about transitions, the first part of the work was simply looking at each transition individually and being explicit about what has to happen in each. I’ve been playing guitar for a very long time and I’m pretty good at blowing through transitions like this without breaking much of a sweat, but actually breaking them down in this was is always enlightening. Sometimes I begin with just the final note of one part and the first note of the next in order to actually see what my hand needs to do. If there is a leap (A to D), how far is it, really. Then maybe the last 4 notes of the first and the first 4 notes of the next. And from there just continue to extend each out from the transition point until I’m playing both sections in their entirety. 

So: F# into A(13) remembering to use that open E string. A(13) into D; both a leap and a transition from 13 into 4/4. D into A’ just like in the first half, so kind of a freebee. And A into the coda. Except for A into D, nothing here that takes a great deal of time. Just clarity.

The challenges of the coda are little different, if only because the transitions happen very quickly, so I spent a little time looking at those challenges.

All in all, about 30 minutes to cover everything. Took a few runs through today’s material, from the last 4 bars of F# on out to the end. Then moved to playing the entire composition from beginning to end at 68, remembering to include at least the limb rotation, and observing how reliably I can remember all of the little decisions I’ve made the past three days. Not bad. Most of what I heard that was unsatisfactory was mechanical, not lapses in attention.

Interestingly, at what is sort of the middle part of performance tempo, on the D section the 4th finger pivot spontaneously won. It wasn’t even close. So I believe that I’m going to formalize that… right up until such time as I decide to change it.

What today’s work made very clear for me is that for the rest of the week my practice will be calisthenic, using sections of the piece as material, and more generic exercises that support these skills. Next week I’m moving on to Guitar 3, most of which is identical to Guitar 1, so the primary focus will be the transitions in and out of the “burbles”. Any chops work I do now on this part will benefit that one. And while Guitar 2 has some particularly unique challenges, it is still based on this part, so all prep work will support it.

In one of those “where did that come from?” moments, somewhere in the middle of all this the thought came to me that I need to put a marathon “Eye of the Needle Bass Part” workshop on the calendar. Thinking Saturday after next (Feb 1).

Now, out of my cave and into the world for a few hours.

Thursday January 23 2025 


Awoke early, but for once not earlier than planned. This needs to be a day of conservation of energy. First student on Zoom in an hour. Last student will leave at 7pm. And I have a gig at 10pm, so I’ll be getting home around 2am. No room for nonsense.

Changed things up a little. Had breakfast before sitting down to practice. Then a solid hour of practice. The first half was largely right hand work, using cross picking in string patterns that are used in Eye of the Needle, but not parts of the piece per se. Began at 60bpm, but moved it up incrementally until I got to 70. Then 15 minutes of work on the various arpeggios used in the piece, but not in context. Mostly focused on RH/LH coordination and maintaining consistency in volume, timbre, attack, volume, and duration. Flow, in short.

For the final 15 minutes I played through the piece beginning to end, with the Guitarist Inside, each time a little faster, watching for the various places my execution begins to falter occur. At the end I was at 74bpm, which frankly sounds too fast to me regardless of how well it’s played. But working with the 5% rule, which states that I need to be able to play any piece well at a tempo at least 5% faster than it should be played, so that when I’m actually performing it I have the sensation of relaxing back into the tempo rather than straining forward toward it. It’s a dopey little trick but it has served me well.

So by the end of the hour, 68bpm was pretty comfortable. 70 okay. At 72 I’m sounding noticeably shaky. At 74, lucky to get through it.

I do have to observe that at anything above 64bpm I’m really not fond of the way I sound on the coda using downstrokes. There is an unpleasant choppy aggressiveness that is utterly contrary to the Music.

Ah well. Moving on.

 Friday January 24 2025


My big takeaway from a year of monthly gigs with Black Dogs: “Chicks dig harmonica players.”




Definitely no problems sleeping through the night, that’s for sure. The problem with sleeping in is that I begin the day feeling like I’m already late for everything. It’s a psychology thing. No matter.

Awake at 8:45. Morning routine. Head for the guitar.

Solid hour of very good work. For the first 45 minutes, purely calisthenics aimed at getting myself up to the tempo the piece requires. Lots of EotN-adjacent arpeggios and right hand cross picking patterns, but not the piece itself. Began at 60. Ended reasonably comfortable at 74. If I keep this up there might be hope. And we’re only two weeks into the project, so reason for optimism.

Ran the piece a couple of times at a couple of different tempos. Over 70bpm is still basically a hack-job. It occurred to me to play along with the recording we posted at the beginning of the week. Metronomes are irreplaceable tools, but they aren’t musicians, after all. Lo and behold, 67bpm. Very doable. 

Played along several times. Made some mental notes about places I’m not consistent in executing my choices. Today, for some reason, it was mostly clamming open string transition notes. That’s a new one.

I was actually having a lot of fun and could have gone on longer, but Zoom waits for no man.


Saturday January 25 2025


Awake normally early, rather than painfully early. This allowed me to get my EotN hour in before heading up the hill to Seattle Circle’s monthly Open Circle.

Today had a transitional quality. Bringing the week of Guitar 1 focus to a completion, which in turn points to the path forward. In the past couple of days it has become clear that what is primarily keeping my technical execution of this part from being up to the quality I aspire to is not a matter of knowing how the piece goes or remembering what finger goes where, when, or what direction my pick should be traveling at any given moment. It’s just chops. Very simple. And with 9 weeks still ahead I can very clearly see how a tangible improvement can be made over the balance of this project.

So, I practiced with that in mind. 45 minutes of focused calisthenics with the challenge level turned up a bit, and then played though the piece a number of times for the final 15 minutes. The Guitarist Inside continues to be the biggest mystery.

Monday, moving on to Guitar 3. As this is mostly the same part, with the added challenge of popping in and out of the 5-note running “burble” figure, I see this taking a day or two. Then on to Guitar 2 which is more of a technical challenge, but still calls on the same essential skills and applies the same musical forms I’ve been working with the past two weeks.


Home from the Open Circle, which I conducted because Brad is down with a very bad cold. By the end of the day, in honor of the IAAD's work for today, I had a number of guitarists in OST "burbling".


Sunday January 26 2025

IAAD – day off
SGC – morning on
NFL – afternoon on


Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Week 1

Monday January 13 2025

Began the day as usual, and with a short sitting specifically to acknowledge the beginning of the course. Breakfast and coffee. Check the updates on the website. Minor rearrangement of my workspace to facilitate 90 days of work on Eye of the Needle.

Tuned with a tuning fork (a rare occurrence these days, but something I am re-adopting for this course). 

Took inventory by playing through each of the parts once: 1) basic lead, 2) basic lead with “burbles”, 3) high octave and harmony lead, 4) bass. No metronome. A few interruptions. Simply taking stock of where I am today, at the beginning of the project. Also making mental notes about technical weaknesses that could use some work, consistency of fingering and right hand. This takes about 20 minutes.

Put the guitar on its stand.


Put the “Eye of the Needle Evolution” playlist on as I prepared for my workday. Noticed something for the first time; on the December 1986 WMMR recording someone is playing the high octave on the middle A Minor. Robert, I expect. It's still in 4/4 - that change doesn't appear in my recordings for more than a year. There's always something new to hear. Live and learn.


Lesson with a student working on EotN. Hear myself giving very down to earth practical advice on how to approach taking a piece you “already know” up to the next qualitative level. It occurs to me that I should listen to myself on this subject.

Tuesday January 14 2025

Taking my own advice from yesterday, and acknowledging that EotN won’t be formally introduced to the project until next week, began my day with 30 minutes of generic calisthenics specifically chosen to hone the right and left hand challenges that the composition brings. Could have easily gone on longer, but a guy has to earn a living.


After hosting the IAAD “Tea Time” I spent a few minutes enumerating how I will go about addressing Eye of the Needle afresh. Aims, under the headings “Technical/Mechanical”, “Musical”, and “The Guitarist Inside”. At the top of the page I typed:

    • Work daily
    • Remain open to the appearance of refinements and adjustments to the specifics, including abandoning some of them, as the process unfolds

Wednesday January 15 2025

Ah, Day 3. Predictably the drudgery kicks in. 

For one thing I mysteriously didn’t sleep much last night. No idea why. Before first light, I just gave in and got up. Took care of my morning routine, and then sat down to practice. Sticking with refraining from practicing the piece itself, for now, in favor of calisthenics designed to support the piece. Will keep this up until next Monday. But unlike yesterday, there was really no joy in it. Good solid and useful work, and after 45 minutes my hands had certainly come to life. Now day has begun out there. Traffic sounds louder than usual, which suggests that it is overcast. A typical Seattle winter morning, and I am moving out into a rather busy day.

Thursday January 16 2025

Over the Day 3 hump. It didn’t hurt that I got some sleep last night. Right hand work, with metronome, on open strings this morning. Focused on one particular skill that the slightly heretical approach I’m taking with EotN on this project requires. I knew I had my mojo back when, after 30 minutes, I had to stop because a student was arriving, and I kind of resented it.


As I always do for these courses, I formally added The Exercise Of Contact At A Distance to my morning sitting as of Monday. We are, after all, taking part in a project together, at a distance. But this morning it occurred to me that the exercise may be one good avenue for the inquiry I identified at the beginning, asking what it means “to hold good will in my breast and send good wishes to the other players and audience.”  


In a little “free” time I had after lunch, before I needed to swing back into Teacher Mode, I did a deep dive into harmonic analysis on EotN. Nothing I didn’t already know, but down to a new degree of specificity. Quite interesting. Over-analyzing the piece can be really distracting, doesn’t actually add much, and tends to suck us into a whole lot of geeky blah-blah-blah discussions. So I generally don’t emphasize the harmonic movement much, beyond its practical usefulness in mapping out and visualizing the form, when I’m presenting the piece. But one of our suggestions on this course is going to be to begin by listening to the piece, “as if for the first time”. I’ve been listening to this piece fairly regularly since December 1989, so that is going to be a tall order. So for myself, I’m hoping that taking a little time today to actually look at the scales implied by each section is one way I can hear from a slightly different perspective.

But is really is a rabbit hole I need to be careful not to step too deeply into. It drains my energy 

Friday January 17 2025

Up before first light. Morning routine. Breakfast. Checked in on the IAAD website for anything new. Then to the guitar.

45 minutes of arpeggio work. Not EotN – I’m still holding off on that until the group work on the piece formally begins on Monday – but definitely EotN-adjacent. After about 15 minutes of warming up, began to explore some right hand options. For the rest of the practice I worked with accented picking, endeavoring to keep the attack on notes as consistent and neutral as possible, as well as  keeping my attention on maintaining time reliably; being careful about the time hiccup that the double downstroke can create. Also looked at where my strengths and weaknesses lie on the finger pivot. No surprise. First and second fingers, very reliable. Third finger, good in the right situation. Pinky, forget it. Ended with five or ten minutes of the long top-fret-to-the-bottom-fret run from the end of the C Phrygian section of Bicycling, on endless repeat, using accented picking rather than alternate. Very interesting. I believe I’ll be coming back to that one.

Fridays are  the “office day” at Golden Music Enterprises – Do the books, pay the bills, take care of correspondence, set up and confirm my teaching schedule for next week, run errands, and all of that kind of stuff. So unlikely to have an opportunity to get back to the guitar before late afternoon.

The workstation until April

Saturday January 18 2025

Up very early again. This trend wasn’t part of the plan, but that seems to be how it’s unfolding. Morning stuff and then an hour on the guitar. Worked on the PRS unplugged, because it’s before dawn on Saturday morning and I actually like my neighbors.

Mostly generic calisthenic work this morning, but all with an eye on accented picking, as well as a bit of finger pivot work. Began with the first primary, but played in triplets with the picking accented in 3’s. I’ve been doing this for a long time and it comes pretty easily for me. More difficult is when I put it back in duple time but maintain the accents in 3’s. I lose track very easily and find that the only way I can hang with it for any extended period is to over-emphasize the accents. This is precisely the habit I’m hoping to breed out of my hands by the end of this project. But for the short term I’m afraid I’m going to have to live with it.

Pivot work was the most EotN-like material of the morning. Subbing the seventh for the root of triads with the root at the top, ala the first 6 notes of EotN, was the basic material. But taking it up the neck or across the fretboard in diatonic C Major triads. Somewhere in there is an exercise that might be useful, but for today it was mostly just a lot of exploration. One thing that playing the electric guitar did point up for me is how much sloppy pivoting affects intonation. Since the strings are so much lighter it is much more obvious. But if it happens here it is certainly happening on the acoustic. Note to self to pay attention next time I pick up the Ovation.

I have to say I’m having fun reacquainting myself with bits and pieces of Afghanistan. It’s been dormant for me for a long time, but recently it has been brought up by a number of students. Doubt I’ll ever again have the chops to play it like I did when I was in my late 30’s, but it really is kind of a catchy little number. 


IAAD has the day off tomorrow, but I don’t. Moving on to guitar practice for the band I actually play with every week. I have new material to memorize. Monday, then.

Sunday January 19 2025

IAAD – day off
SGC – morning on
NFL – ‘til the cows come home



Work daily
Remain open to the appearance of refinements and adjustments to the specifics,
including abandoning some of them, as the process unfolds

  • Set up and keep up Eye of the Needle IAAD-specific diary.
    1/14: Done. Click here to link


  • Reestablish accented picking
    o Ensure timing is consistent and reliable
    o Minimize overemphasis
  • Identify and formalize pivot choices
  • Work available tempo up to 72-74bpm reliably
  • Restore competence and ease with all parts
    o Articulate musical intentions for each part
Bass: projection and singing quality, without overplaying 
Leads: flow and continuity, attention to position shifts

Okay, for the high lead simply achieving minimal competence in the upper octave Intro/Midtro sections will be a satisfying and major accomplishment 

Guitarist Inside

Not exactly sure how to go about this. Some ideas…

  • Strengthen the connection between the form and the limb circulation
  • Gain some understanding of what it is to hold good will in my breast and send good wishes to the other players and audience
    • 1/16. Pay attention to the EoCaaD in the morning sitting
    • 1/20. Practice it, no matter how inept you are
  • What is contained in Lord Have Mercy? And how is an old reprobate supposed to understand it, let alone put it into practice in a meaningful way?



1/20 – focus on intro

Accented picking: 3-3-3-2-2  (see 1/27)
Pivots:                 2nd inversion 2nd finger between strings 2&3
                                Root position first finger between strings 1&2
Attention to transition notes, especially doubled A between A and F#
Remember to practice the first 6½ tacit beats

1/21 – focus on G1 main body – A-D-A’-F#-F#

Accented picking: 3-3-3-3-4
Pivots:                  A: 2nd finger on G&C on strings 2&3
                                D: same for C&F
                                A’: 1st finger between A&C on 1&2
                                F#: same
Attention to attack on open string transition notes: match timbre and volume to the rest of the melody
Final G of D pattern:  abandoned the 3rd finger stretch because I simply can’t play it musically. Two alternatives: 1) open G string, 2) 4th finger pivot. TBD. 1/22: the 4th finger pivot wins. 

1/27 – focus on Guitar 3

Play more on fingertips to avoid accidental muting of transition notes

Care for transition notes – blend attack, timber, duration – flow

Accented picking adjustment: when playing main figures in 4/4, back to alternate picking on final 7 notes of each phrase. Basically, the second “3” will be the only place the picking is reversed. 3-3-3-7

2/3 – focus on Guitar 2

Accented picking: Same as Guitar 1

Pivots:       Same as Guitar 1 when unison/unison octave
                                Alternate A of Intro (bar 3): no 4th finger pivot between strings 1-2; use fingers 4-3
                                Harmony A and F#: 2nd finger between strings 2-3, 4th finger between strings 1-2
                                2/4 update: taking out all pivots above 12th fret except the 1st finger pivot on F#

Open string transitions: Review and formalize, incorporate into practice. If playing the high octave in the Coda, ignore the open G transition from final D – this l connects more musically/melodically to the first F# of Coda

Find warmup calisthenics to strengthen and smooth out arpeggios above the 12th fret

How the hell do I keep the open D string from sounding when I remove my first finger?